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Xylan (Poly-β-[1-4]-xylopyranose

CAS number 9014-63-5


Xylan isolated from beechwood of high and reproducible quality.


Xylose content of 82%+ (determined by HPLC after chain degradation by acid hydrolysis).

Typical structure of xylan from beechwood (schematic).

Example 13C-NMR of xylan isolated from beech wood (acquired in in D2O).

Average weight molecular weight (Mw) of about 20,000 g/mol of low polydispersity.

Xylan from beechwood 1000 Gramm

Xylan isolated from beechwood of high and reproducible quality. Xylose content of 82%+ (determined by HPLC after chain degradation by acid hydrolysis).

297,50 €

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